Frequent questions
1. What is Psilocybin?
Psilocybin comes from the Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms, also called "magic mushrooms." Microdoses of psilocybin do not generate or seek visual, sensory or "hallucination" effects, only a subtle and progressive change in how we perceive life, influencing at a cognitive, emotional and physical level. It is worth mentioning that entheogens or psychedelic substances have been used for thousands of years by our ancestral cultures as a natural part of their practices.
2. What are Microdoses?
Microdoses are small doses of psychedelics or entheogens that aid in our self-awareness processes. Unlike a full dose or macrodose of psychedelics, a microdose is intended to be “sub-perceptual,” meaning that it does not cause any distortion in our perception of reality, but it is completely subtle enough to carry out our usual routine without problems. The power of microdosing comes from the constancy of the practice over time, the consistent practice of a taking protocol, in other words, it is a medium or long-term treatment.
3. What are microdoses of psychedelics used for?
The purpose of psychedelics is to heal and dissolve dysfunctional behavior patterns that no longer serve us.
Microdosing can help you get in touch with your inner healing Intelligence, which knows exactly what is necessary for your health and happiness. The psychedelic substance can be a reliable and powerful ally to remind you of your innate ability to heal yourself. Some people may refer to a microdose as a "spiritual vitamin."
They are currently used widely in different contexts, from therapy to process trauma and overcome depression or anxiety to artistic expression, spiritual growth, inspiration, meditation, physical activity, etc., being a very valuable tool for self-knowledge with multiple uses in daily life. Microdosing is most effective as part of a healthy, holistic lifestyle that prioritizes service, community, and truth.
4. What are the effects of microdosing with psilocybin?
If the dose is correct, a microdose is subperceptive, which means that the psychoactive effects are imperceptible. If you are constant, the desired effects (changes) will come naturally over time when you least expect them.
The most common effects reported by the vast majority of users worldwide are:
• Greater energy and motivation
• Greater sense of emotional, mental and physical well-being
• Greater emotional and mental maturity
• Greater optimism
• A feeling of openness, brightness or lightness
• Noticeable decrease in anxiety, stress and/or depression
• Improvement in relationships and social behaviors
• Decreased negative self-talk
• Noticeable reduction in fear when facing new or difficult experiences
• More clarity and less brain fog
• A greater feeling of being in contact and in tune with the body
• A sense of interconnectedness, empathy, compassion
• Frequent states of appreciation and gratitude
• A sense of presence and rootedness
• Greater creativity
• Greater ability to concentrate and focus
• Increased sensory perception, emotional openness, greater sensitivity
• Reduced need for caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or other stimulants or depressants
• Decrease in addictive or destructive tendencies
• Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Better eating and sleeping habits
• Less intense headaches
• Improved memory and verbal fluency
Microdosing can open you up to more cyclical, rather than linear, thinking. You may find yourself being more curious and less dogmatic. You may find yourself listening more and talking less. You can start to question your assumptions and all the things you thought you knew.
5. What is the ideal microdose dose?
The dosage varies depending on several factors: weight, tolerance, sensitivity, metabolism, age, health conditions, genetics, everyone reacts differently to different doses, some people consider 300mg (or more) to be the ideal dose, while others feel more comfortable with a smaller dose in the 100mg to 200mg range. The species or variety of mushrooms you consume also affects the dosage, as some are stronger than others, for example, the "Azurescens" species or the "Penis Envy" species are characterized as being stronger than the average cubensis strain, Sagrada Microdosing offers a sort of average strength.
It is necessary to experiment to find your ideal dose, it is beneficial to keep a diary or log during the first weeks of your microdosing experiment, so that you can reflect on the recorded results and make adjustments as necessary. When in doubt, it's usually best to start small and work your way up.
6. How are microdoses consumed?
Everyone has a different preference, there are no rights or wrongs.
For the vast majority, the ideal is to take the dose on an empty stomach, in the morning, if they are taken together with a meal there is no problem, but the body will absorb a smaller amount.
Experts do not recommend taking them daily because the body quickly creates tolerance to the substance, it is recommended to follow a protocol.
7. Is there an ideal dosing protocol?
There are several microdosing protocols and schedules, here are the most common ones:
• James Fadiman, the author of “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys,” proposes a protocol where you take a dose on Day 1, skip a dose on Day 2 and Day 3, and then resume dosing. on Day 4. The idea behind this program is that the positive effects of microdosing appear to last for two days, and the off days allow any residual tolerance to decrease.
• Paul Stamets, a distinguished mycologist, recommends a "four days on, three days off" protocol. It may be worth noting that Stamets, now in his 60s, has spent much of his adult life studying psilocybin.
To find a protocol that works best for you, be open to experimenting and listening to your body and intuition. There is no need to rigidly follow a protocol just because it is popular or famous, but breaks are important. Microdosing every day is not recommended. Rest days reduce the effects of tolerance that can build up over time and give you the opportunity to practice working and processing emotions without the direct help of a substance. The idea is to become aware of the root causes of unhappiness and pain, and live a healthy lifestyle that avoids these causes, and not become dependent on any substance. In fact, under certain conditions, you may decide to take a "week off" or a "month off."
Some people recommend "stacking" or putting other ingredients together with psilocybin. Stamets suggests adding lion's mane and niacin to microdosing, as they are known to work well with psilocybin. As the experts say: "Psilocybin mushrooms promote neuroplasticity and new neural connections, lion's mane promotes the creation of new nerve and brain cells, and niacin brings these two drugs to the far reaches of the nervous system. Together they work synergistically to create a compound effect that improves learning, cognition, neuroregeneration and many other things."
For the version of psilocybin with cocoa (product M01) try not to take the capsules too late since cocoa is a stimulant and could interfere with sleep. Stop the version of psilocybin with Lions Mane and Niacin (product M03), accompany it with some fruit only if you have an upset stomach, niacin can be a bit intense for some, investigate the "flushing" effects of niacin.
8. Should I expect anything when taking microdoses?
Have patience and perseverance with this treatment, the mushrooms will little by little do their work in the background, the learning will come with time, it helps a lot to spend time on INTENTION, it is important to be clear about why you want to take the microdoses and what you are looking for. , that you would like to work or "heal". Intention helps focus your energy where you want to put it and to redirect your attention to what you want to work on in case distractions happen along the way. It is also VERY important to let go of expectations (attachment to wanting the treatment to turn out the way you want), it is about trusting the intelligence of the mushrooms and being open to feeling what you have to feel, the mushrooms can open you to feeling repressed emotions Therefore, if you experience a healing crisis, welcome it, true healing occurs when you allow yourself to feel what you have to feel, without resistance or judgment, accompanying the moment. 👈 VERY IMPORTANT!
Keep in mind that not every day you take the microdose will be the same, the results of the experience can be very different each time, since you are different every day, the most important factor will be the INTENTION that you dedicate to it that day, as well as You would do it in a ceremony with master plants, and it will also depend on what you need that day and how the mushrooms decide to help you. Do not forget that this is a medicine with its own consciousness, mushrooms are extremely intelligent beings that are here to support our evolution. , it is important to have a lot of RESPECT for this medicine 🙏
9. What are the advantages of microdosing over macrodosing?
Taking a full dose of psilocybin mushrooms can be an ideal option if you have the right integration support and can afford to take at least a day or two away from your normal routine. On the other hand, microdosing can be a gentle method to improve your life without interrupting your daily activities.
There are several reasons why you may choose microdosing instead of macrodosing:
- generally does not require accompaniment or integration support, since the effects are subtle
- does not require prior preparation
- allows you to metaphorically dip your toes in the water before fully committing to diving in
- allows you to retain control rather than having to completely let go
- gives you the ability to continue your daily activities in a normal or even improved manner
- does not cause visual or hallucinatory effects
- it's more flexible since you can take a microdose at any time of the day. Some people like to take it first thing in the morning, while others like to take it in the afternoon or even just before going to sleep (although some may find that taking the latter option can keep them awake longer than expected )
- allows you to adjust the dose more easily
- gives you the opportunity to experiment more easily and track doses from day to day and week to week.
10. Are there any adverse effects of microdosing?
When microdosing, some people may experience what they perceive as "adverse side effects." Psilocybin can act as a truth serum that reveals your innermost thoughts, and some of these thoughts may be painful or unpleasant to encounter. You may feel like running away, hiding, or distracting yourself when these thoughts appear. You may feel the need to blame the substance for unwanted emotions, but one of the main lessons of microdosing is to take responsibility for your responses or reactions to what appears. You can choose to resist reality or give up control and surrender. The ultimate choice leads to freedom and joy.
Some report that microdosing makes them feel tired or sleepy. Some complain of headaches or nausea. These are some of the body's natural responses to energetic and emotional changes. In these cases, you must learn to listen to the body and respect rest.
For some, microdosing may amplify their anxiety, rather than decrease it. The medicine makes you sensitive to your emotions and the energies around you. Psilocybin can shake your sense of self and make you feel vulnerable. Sometimes while microdosing, you may experience increased fear, a natural response to the unknown. The more you face and overcome this fear, the more confident and secure you will be. Fear is a natural part of expanding your comfort zone.
You may lose productivity and some kind of linear focus while microdosing. Medicine seems to tone down the analytical part of the mind and activate the feeling part. This change can affect one's ability to focus on a screen, a conversation, words, or numbers. Microdosing can leave you feeling disconnected and confused for a period of time. You may feel like you are losing control. These experiences can give the thinking mind a break and show you the causes of stress or anxiety.
There may be unpleasant moments as the "dirt" comes to the surface. The less spiritual or contemplative work that has been done, the harder it will be to confront these hard-to-process emotions.
It takes time to build a relationship with medicine, which is alive and organic. Microdosing is not like taking certain pharmaceutical medications; Instead of numbing emotions and allowing you to overlook and ignore the root causes of your unhappiness, mushrooms require you to become aware of and actively change the causes of your moods.
Patience along with a commitment to long-term thinking, healthy living, and reevaluation of relationships are necessary factors for medicine to work its magic. Some people see the desired results immediately, while others begin to recognize significant results only after reflecting on several months of microdosing.
The higher your expectations, the more likely you are to be disappointed with the results of microdosing. Medicine simply reflects your relationship with the world. If you expect something outside of yourself to bring you instant or eternal happiness, you will be disappointed. This disappointment is part of the spiritual path. Sometimes one must repeatedly learn that all phenomena are temporary, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. Clinging to ideas, philosophies, or desires that do not align with the truth only prolongs the endless search for something better, more pleasurable, and less painful. When you let go of expectations, the world opens up and becomes more wonderful.
11. How can I myself accompany my process with microdoses?
Observing and accompanying your emotions without resisting them... remember the following: When you repress the emotion or sensation in the body (symptom), you are also affecting the immune system and the nervous system, therefore it is repression (which is a survival mechanism learned in childhood) then becomes a source of psychological illness that affects the body. To repress is to resist the present, and there is a universal law as real as the law of gravity that can be summarized as follows: WHAT YOU RESIST PERSISTS.
It is also very important to take into account our needs since behind every behavior or attitude there is a feeling, and behind every feeling there is a need, the idea is to listen and attend to that need, instead of focusing on the behavior as the modern medicine or psychology we must focus on our needs, only then are we beginning to deal with the root or cause, not focus on the SYMPTOM, which is a simple side effect of our unmet needs, symptoms are simple messengers.
According to what I have learned, true healing occurs when we allow ourselves to be present with ALL our emotions or physical sensations (symptoms), in this way we can progressively learn to navigate our complex humanity without resistance and finally be able to be truly free and authentic beings, without masks, to achieve this the path is the INTEGRATION of all our aspects, all our parts or personalities, including those who are in the so-called “shadow”, those that we do not want to show to protect ourselves from feeling difficult emotions or due to some very understandable fear. and valid, that by learning with curiosity to understand and validate these hidden parts of ourselves we will soon accept them and integrate them into our being.
12. Apart from taking microdoses, what else can I do to accompany the treatment?
Currently the therapies that are really helping to overcome our issues are those that involve the integration of all our parts or aspects or personalities, among them are Gestalt, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Shadow Work, Jungian Therapy, and any type of therapy that includes the inner child. Watching Gabor Mate's talks on YouTube makes it very clear where our difficulties in life come from.
For this process ☝️ the accompaniment of these wonderful mushrooms makes it a much more fluid process, since they give us great wisdom and capacity for observation when fears, judgments and resistance appear, this is the reason why this beautiful medicine It is so effective and appreciated. As an anecdote I can tell you that on my path towards “healing” which I now call the path towards integration, I did many of the therapies that I mentioned above and there was a noticeable great advance in deepening when I started going to my sessions with a higher dose of microdosing.
It helps a lot in this process of self-knowledge to have a daily practice of self-love, such as meditating, keeping a journal, healthy eating, yoga, pranayama, learning to breathe well can drastically change your life, mineral supplements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Iodine , Selenium and more are of vital importance for a good physical, mental and emotional state, Magnesium being the most important, what we need most are minerals.
13. What happens if I have a bad experience with microdosing?
There are no bad experiences with microdosing, only opportunities to learn and grow. If emotions that are difficult to process appear, do not resist or judge them, instead ask yourself important questions with intentions of CURIOSITY: where does this emotion come from? You want me to say? What activated it? What memory is related to this emotion? etc... For more information on how to integrate your experience download this integration workbook for free here <--- Highly recommended.
14. Will microdosing help me?
Microdoses of mushrooms or master plants are not a magic pill that will solve your problems, they are an invaluable and excellent tool for self-observation, for self-knowledge, they will connect you directly with your subconscious, with your intuition, they will make you start to Become aware of your internal dialogue, how you treat yourself, self-deceptions (if there are any), and see clearly the changes you need to make in your life, what you do with that new information will make a difference... or not. Up to you.
15. Is psilocybin microdosing safe?
Very rarely do people report having negative or adverse effects from microdosing mushrooms. Most find a renewed sense of life and mental clarity that they have not experienced in a long time. However, sometimes people experience some hallucinogenic effects if they take too high a dose.
Fatigue may be the result of increased neural activity and more life or physical activity. As mentioned, a tolerance can develop after prolonged use. Taking intermittent breaks and restart weeks helps combat this.
Some people have reported mild nausea after ingesting their microdose. In some cases, drinking ginger tea will improve this. Your body temperature may fluctuate more than normal. If you have a heart or respiratory condition, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or have experienced psychosis, consult your doctor before using any psychedelic drugs.
For some, the lack of adequate integrative support can cause internal resistance as they try to process and navigate these new perceptions, levels of consciousness, and ideas related to their internal and external worlds.
Psychedelics are not addictive. Although anything can be habit-forming, if guided by intentionality, intuition, and the right support, microdosing psilocybin mushrooms can be one of the best natural healing practices.
16. Can I take antidepressants and microdoses simultaneously?
Some people find that microdosing helps them stop taking antidepressants and/or stop taking them. Some report that antidepressant medications blunt or even nullify the effects of microdosing. If you decide to microdose while taking these medications, you will most likely need a higher dose to feel the desired effects.
Many find microdosed psilocybin to be a healthier, more natural alternative to taking various pharmaceutical agents. It may be worth trying microdosing before committing to a pharmaceutical regimen.
Please note that microdosing does not guarantee happiness. Some people find it extremely difficult not to take certain pharmaceutical medications. Those who have relied on these medications for years may find many painful or difficult repressed emotions coming to the surface, and may feel the need to return to the anesthetic or numbing effects of the medications. The process of stopping these medications, if that's what you want to do, can be an uncomfortable ordeal that could last a few months if you have been taking drugs for a long time.
As research on psychedelics begins to flourish, a stream of recently published scientific studies explore the combined effects of antidepressants and psilocybin. For example, a study from the University of Basel in Switzerland found that escitalopram, commonly known as Lexapro, had no negative effects in participants treated with these antidepressants and psilocybin.
To stay safe, consult your doctor before starting any microdosing regimen, especially if you have a history of mental illness or medication use.
17. How do I reduce antidepressants before using psilocybin?
Deciding to want to replace antidepressants with microdoses involves taking increasingly lower doses of antidepressants over a set period of time, which can vary between two weeks and several months.
There are many factors involved in determining the length of the tapering process. These factors include how long you have been taking antidepressants, the specific antidepressant and dosage you are taking, as well as overall health and lifestyle.
Certain antidepressants, such as Effexor or Venlafaxine, are known to be especially difficult to taper off. In some cases, the tapering process can take months and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms if not done slowly enough.
The main reason for caution is related to minimizing and managing the "withdrawal syndrome" when withdrawing pharmaceutical medications, which can include fatigue, constipation, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and gastrointestinal problems.
When reducing antidepressants and experimenting with psychedelics, it is important to do your own research and consider consulting not only your doctor or medical professional, but also an experienced psychedelic facilitator or integration specialist, you can consult us for contacts.
👉 We are happy to share with you an excellent guide that provides an overview of the interaction of psychedelics with various medications and how to gradually wean them off for replacement by psychedelics.
18. What is the difference between antidepressants and psilocybin microdoses?
Unlike the conventional approach to antidepressants, which seeks to “correct” so-called “mental illnesses” by covering up or numbing painful emotions, mushrooms can empower you to reconnect and express your feelings as a basis for treating the root causes of the Depression. This is an important distinction. Although psilocybin is gaining a reputation in the Western world for exhibiting powerful antidepressant effects, the benefits of the mushroom are much more than the elimination of a "mental disorder."
Psilocybin offers an invitation, a simple but revolutionary opening into the intelligence, love and compassion of the natural order of the Universe. From a neuroscience perspective, this openness is reflected in how psilocybin affects the default neural network, or RND, or DMN (Default Mode Network). The RND is a neural network responsible for filtering the countless pieces of information that your brain processes each moment as necessary for survival.The RND creates our ego, or constant sense of self.
A strong ego is an excellent tool for understanding threats to your survival. However, when the RND is overactive, this sense of self can become rigid and resistant to change. The hypercritical and negative beliefs that torment many people are difficult to overcome, because on a neurological level the brain considers them essential components of oneself and, by extension, survival.
With psilocybin, the mind enters a “fundamental state of mind,” a dynamic and flexible or plastic mode of psychological functioning. In this sensitive state, in which thought processes, perception, and behavioral styles are less rigid, the floodgates of information open, generating more processing power than normal. Being in this state allows for changes in core belief systems, habits, and perspectives of the self. Indeed, mushrooms can give you the opportunity to remember and trust your conscience and intuition. You are presented with an opening to get to know yourself again.
19. Can Cannabis be consumed at the same time as Psilocybin microdoses?
The medicinal qualities of cannabis are abundant and well documented. With respect to mental health specifically, cannabis has been proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, and ADHD with some variables.
While research on psilocybin microdosing is limited, there is extensive empirical evidence suggesting that psilocybin microdosing is effective for the treatment of depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain, for example. name a few. Most of the research on psilocybin has focused on the treatment of depression with truly remarkable results.
While cannabis and psilocybin can work together to support optimal outcomes for ADHD and anxiety disorders, the combination may not be ideal for those experiencing major depressive disorders.
If the primary goal of microdosing practice is to relieve symptoms of depression, the evidence supports the conservative approach of limiting and/or avoiding regular cannabis use during microdosing. In fact, a significant majority of my clients who microdose for depression experience more profound benefits with psilocybin alone or in combination with CBD.
20. Can I microdose if I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Although there is no clinical evidence of the medicinal effect of psychedelics, several experts say that microdosing can actually be beneficial for people with ADHD or ADD.
First, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a disorder, but rather a difference in your cognition or a lack of understanding about your mental speed. Microdoses of psilocybin improve your concentration, creativity, and mood. If you consider these benefits in the equation with problems with concentration and procrastination, you could say that microdosing is a great and efficient solution to being productive throughout the day. For this reason, there are even examples where these psychedelics are a suitable replacement for ADHD medications and other pharmaceutical cognitive enhancers, such as Ritalin, Adderall, and methylphenidate.
In addition, regular medications do not always have the desired effect. Additionally, the number of doctors swearing allegiance to microdosing psychedelics is increasing.
However, due to the lack of comprehensive research, we are unable to provide medical advice based on clinical evidence. Therefore, you must always take responsibility for microdosing if you are diagnosed with ADHD/ADD. Whether making your own decisions based on a consultation with your doctor or conducting your own experiment.
21. When should you stop microdosing?
While microdosing can act as a catalyst to make you more self-aware, more creative, and more productive, its use also has its limits. As with any mind-enhancing substance, it should be used consciously and responsibly, in moderation.
The expert recommendation is to have 6-month cycles of continuous microdosing using a protocol and leave 2 months of rest before restarting another cycle.
22. Is microdosing addictive?
Although microdosing psilocybin has been clinically shown not to cause psychological addiction, you should remain alert to your own relationship with psilocybin. The boost in self-confidence and flow can be very appealing, due to the positive effects of microdosing.
Whether microdosing is addictive depends entirely on your own mental health and your intention to microdose psilocybin. Microdosing is not addictive for a healthy, conscious and thinking person.
23. Can you take microdoses and drive a car?
Driving while microdosing is possible. However, in terms of usage, the responsibility for making such a decision rests entirely with you. If you take the correct dosage, you will improve your focus and visual acuity, which in turn can improve your ability to drive.
So the first experiment for you is to test what is too much or too little. As soon as microdosing becomes too overwhelming, you have taken too much and should definitely not engage in trafficking.
24. Can you microdose and drink alcohol?
It is possible to microdose and drink alcohol, although we do not recommend it because alcohol diminishes the beneficial effects of microdosing. Therefore, we recommend that you take your microdosing in a sober state so that you can benefit the most from it in your daily life.
25. Can you microdose and exercise?
Microdosing can be a great attribute for your training as it provides a boost to your cognitive functions, resulting in better athletic performance. For example, you become more aware of your own body and can therefore find a better rhythm in your exercise routine.
With the correct doses, elite sports athletes experience an improvement in both their endurance and sporting ability. Talking about concentration, coordination, balance and reflexes. There is even a word mentioned about the well-known state of flow, a state in which time seems to slow down and everything seems to go by itself.
Even the after effect can be quite sensational because microdosing can provide a clear and relaxed feeling after a workout.
26. What about legality?
The legal status of psilocybin remains a challenge for many. In most countries (with exceptions in the Netherlands, Jamaica, Brazil, and some other places), the possession, cultivation, and processing of psilocybin (as well as other psychedelics) are criminalized. In Peru there is no clear legislation in this regard, there is a "legal vacuum."
However, movements calling for the decriminalization of psilocybin and other substances are gaining a lot of momentum. In the US, Denver has decriminalized psilocybin, while in Colorado, Oakland and Santa Cruz have decriminalized all entheogens. The state of Oregon and Washington DC have psychedelic initiatives appearing on the November 2023 ballot. Canada's government has tolerated the sale of psilocybin mushrooms over the internet and in-person dispensaries, and there are widespread calls across the country to decriminalize the simple possession of controlled substances.
With the growing number of positive testimonials about microdosing, many are taking matters into their own hands and finding ways to access the medication.
27. What is Niacin and its "Blushing" effect?
Niacin is vitamin B3, which alone has surprising antidepressant effects.
In the case of the Paul Stamets Stack version (M03 listed) keep in mind that niacin can cause redness (heat, itching, tingling sensation under the skin). These effects last between 10 to 15 minutes and will be less intense as you continue taking the capsules, this reaction is normal and beneficial, it helps improve blood flow, as the blood vessels open more, this would allow the active components of The fungi penetrate deeply into all parts of the body, especially the brain.
28. How to place an order?
The deposit must be made to our personal bank accounts (request them), including the shipping cost which is S/.20, and if it is to the province the cost is S/. 30.
THERE IS NO PICKUP OPTION, we only sell via delivery.
Unfortunately there is no cash on delivery, the service we contract for deliveries (Jota Courier) does not provide collection service, since the vast majority of deliveries are left at reception or porter.
29. How long does it take to ship my order?
If the order is for within Metropolitan Lima, it will always be one or two days after placing the order. The contracted delivery service normally takes one day to deliver the order, but sometimes it can take two days depending on your workload. Deliveries are made during the day, it is difficult to know the exact time the delivery service will deliver.
If the order is for the province, it may take longer (between 4 to 6 days), because we do not go to the agency to leave the orders every day. We use Olva Courier, Shalom or Marvisur, the first option provides the service of delivering the package to your home.
Psilocybin comes from the Psilocybe Cubensis mushrooms, also called "magic mushrooms." Microdoses of psilocybin do not generate or seek visual, sensory or "hallucination" effects, only a subtle and progressive change in how we perceive life, influencing at a cognitive, emotional and physical level. It is worth mentioning that entheogens or psychedelic substances have been used for thousands of years by our ancestral cultures as a natural part of their practices.
2. What are Microdoses?
Microdoses are small doses of psychedelics or entheogens that aid in our self-awareness processes. Unlike a full dose or macrodose of psychedelics, a microdose is intended to be “sub-perceptual,” meaning that it does not cause any distortion in our perception of reality, but it is completely subtle enough to carry out our usual routine without problems. The power of microdosing comes from the constancy of the practice over time, the consistent practice of a taking protocol, in other words, it is a medium or long-term treatment.
3. What are microdoses of psychedelics used for?
The purpose of psychedelics is to heal and dissolve dysfunctional behavior patterns that no longer serve us.
Microdosing can help you get in touch with your inner healing Intelligence, which knows exactly what is necessary for your health and happiness. The psychedelic substance can be a reliable and powerful ally to remind you of your innate ability to heal yourself. Some people may refer to a microdose as a "spiritual vitamin."
They are currently used widely in different contexts, from therapy to process trauma and overcome depression or anxiety to artistic expression, spiritual growth, inspiration, meditation, physical activity, etc., being a very valuable tool for self-knowledge with multiple uses in daily life. Microdosing is most effective as part of a healthy, holistic lifestyle that prioritizes service, community, and truth.
4. What are the effects of microdosing with psilocybin?
If the dose is correct, a microdose is subperceptive, which means that the psychoactive effects are imperceptible. If you are constant, the desired effects (changes) will come naturally over time when you least expect them.
The most common effects reported by the vast majority of users worldwide are:
• Greater energy and motivation
• Greater sense of emotional, mental and physical well-being
• Greater emotional and mental maturity
• Greater optimism
• A feeling of openness, brightness or lightness
• Noticeable decrease in anxiety, stress and/or depression
• Improvement in relationships and social behaviors
• Decreased negative self-talk
• Noticeable reduction in fear when facing new or difficult experiences
• More clarity and less brain fog
• A greater feeling of being in contact and in tune with the body
• A sense of interconnectedness, empathy, compassion
• Frequent states of appreciation and gratitude
• A sense of presence and rootedness
• Greater creativity
• Greater ability to concentrate and focus
• Increased sensory perception, emotional openness, greater sensitivity
• Reduced need for caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or other stimulants or depressants
• Decrease in addictive or destructive tendencies
• Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Better eating and sleeping habits
• Less intense headaches
• Improved memory and verbal fluency
Microdosing can open you up to more cyclical, rather than linear, thinking. You may find yourself being more curious and less dogmatic. You may find yourself listening more and talking less. You can start to question your assumptions and all the things you thought you knew.
5. What is the ideal microdose dose?
The dosage varies depending on several factors: weight, tolerance, sensitivity, metabolism, age, health conditions, genetics, everyone reacts differently to different doses, some people consider 300mg (or more) to be the ideal dose, while others feel more comfortable with a smaller dose in the 100mg to 200mg range. The species or variety of mushrooms you consume also affects the dosage, as some are stronger than others, for example, the "Azurescens" species or the "Penis Envy" species are characterized as being stronger than the average cubensis strain, Sagrada Microdosing offers a sort of average strength.
It is necessary to experiment to find your ideal dose, it is beneficial to keep a diary or log during the first weeks of your microdosing experiment, so that you can reflect on the recorded results and make adjustments as necessary. When in doubt, it's usually best to start small and work your way up.
6. How are microdoses consumed?
Everyone has a different preference, there are no rights or wrongs.
For the vast majority, the ideal is to take the dose on an empty stomach, in the morning, if they are taken together with a meal there is no problem, but the body will absorb a smaller amount.
Experts do not recommend taking them daily because the body quickly creates tolerance to the substance, it is recommended to follow a protocol.
7. Is there an ideal dosing protocol?
There are several microdosing protocols and schedules, here are the most common ones:
• James Fadiman, the author of “The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys,” proposes a protocol where you take a dose on Day 1, skip a dose on Day 2 and Day 3, and then resume dosing. on Day 4. The idea behind this program is that the positive effects of microdosing appear to last for two days, and the off days allow any residual tolerance to decrease.
• Paul Stamets, a distinguished mycologist, recommends a "four days on, three days off" protocol. It may be worth noting that Stamets, now in his 60s, has spent much of his adult life studying psilocybin.
To find a protocol that works best for you, be open to experimenting and listening to your body and intuition. There is no need to rigidly follow a protocol just because it is popular or famous, but breaks are important. Microdosing every day is not recommended. Rest days reduce the effects of tolerance that can build up over time and give you the opportunity to practice working and processing emotions without the direct help of a substance. The idea is to become aware of the root causes of unhappiness and pain, and live a healthy lifestyle that avoids these causes, and not become dependent on any substance. In fact, under certain conditions, you may decide to take a "week off" or a "month off."
Some people recommend "stacking" or putting other ingredients together with psilocybin. Stamets suggests adding lion's mane and niacin to microdosing, as they are known to work well with psilocybin. As the experts say: "Psilocybin mushrooms promote neuroplasticity and new neural connections, lion's mane promotes the creation of new nerve and brain cells, and niacin brings these two drugs to the far reaches of the nervous system. Together they work synergistically to create a compound effect that improves learning, cognition, neuroregeneration and many other things."
For the version of psilocybin with cocoa (product M01) try not to take the capsules too late since cocoa is a stimulant and could interfere with sleep. Stop the version of psilocybin with Lions Mane and Niacin (product M03), accompany it with some fruit only if you have an upset stomach, niacin can be a bit intense for some, investigate the "flushing" effects of niacin.
8. Should I expect anything when taking microdoses?
Have patience and perseverance with this treatment, the mushrooms will little by little do their work in the background, the learning will come with time, it helps a lot to spend time on INTENTION, it is important to be clear about why you want to take the microdoses and what you are looking for. , that you would like to work or "heal". Intention helps focus your energy where you want to put it and to redirect your attention to what you want to work on in case distractions happen along the way. It is also VERY important to let go of expectations (attachment to wanting the treatment to turn out the way you want), it is about trusting the intelligence of the mushrooms and being open to feeling what you have to feel, the mushrooms can open you to feeling repressed emotions Therefore, if you experience a healing crisis, welcome it, true healing occurs when you allow yourself to feel what you have to feel, without resistance or judgment, accompanying the moment. 👈 VERY IMPORTANT!
Keep in mind that not every day you take the microdose will be the same, the results of the experience can be very different each time, since you are different every day, the most important factor will be the INTENTION that you dedicate to it that day, as well as You would do it in a ceremony with master plants, and it will also depend on what you need that day and how the mushrooms decide to help you. Do not forget that this is a medicine with its own consciousness, mushrooms are extremely intelligent beings that are here to support our evolution. , it is important to have a lot of RESPECT for this medicine 🙏
9. What are the advantages of microdosing over macrodosing?
Taking a full dose of psilocybin mushrooms can be an ideal option if you have the right integration support and can afford to take at least a day or two away from your normal routine. On the other hand, microdosing can be a gentle method to improve your life without interrupting your daily activities.
There are several reasons why you may choose microdosing instead of macrodosing:
- generally does not require accompaniment or integration support, since the effects are subtle
- does not require prior preparation
- allows you to metaphorically dip your toes in the water before fully committing to diving in
- allows you to retain control rather than having to completely let go
- gives you the ability to continue your daily activities in a normal or even improved manner
- does not cause visual or hallucinatory effects
- it's more flexible since you can take a microdose at any time of the day. Some people like to take it first thing in the morning, while others like to take it in the afternoon or even just before going to sleep (although some may find that taking the latter option can keep them awake longer than expected )
- allows you to adjust the dose more easily
- gives you the opportunity to experiment more easily and track doses from day to day and week to week.
10. Are there any adverse effects of microdosing?
When microdosing, some people may experience what they perceive as "adverse side effects." Psilocybin can act as a truth serum that reveals your innermost thoughts, and some of these thoughts may be painful or unpleasant to encounter. You may feel like running away, hiding, or distracting yourself when these thoughts appear. You may feel the need to blame the substance for unwanted emotions, but one of the main lessons of microdosing is to take responsibility for your responses or reactions to what appears. You can choose to resist reality or give up control and surrender. The ultimate choice leads to freedom and joy.
Some report that microdosing makes them feel tired or sleepy. Some complain of headaches or nausea. These are some of the body's natural responses to energetic and emotional changes. In these cases, you must learn to listen to the body and respect rest.
For some, microdosing may amplify their anxiety, rather than decrease it. The medicine makes you sensitive to your emotions and the energies around you. Psilocybin can shake your sense of self and make you feel vulnerable. Sometimes while microdosing, you may experience increased fear, a natural response to the unknown. The more you face and overcome this fear, the more confident and secure you will be. Fear is a natural part of expanding your comfort zone.
You may lose productivity and some kind of linear focus while microdosing. Medicine seems to tone down the analytical part of the mind and activate the feeling part. This change can affect one's ability to focus on a screen, a conversation, words, or numbers. Microdosing can leave you feeling disconnected and confused for a period of time. You may feel like you are losing control. These experiences can give the thinking mind a break and show you the causes of stress or anxiety.
There may be unpleasant moments as the "dirt" comes to the surface. The less spiritual or contemplative work that has been done, the harder it will be to confront these hard-to-process emotions.
It takes time to build a relationship with medicine, which is alive and organic. Microdosing is not like taking certain pharmaceutical medications; Instead of numbing emotions and allowing you to overlook and ignore the root causes of your unhappiness, mushrooms require you to become aware of and actively change the causes of your moods.
Patience along with a commitment to long-term thinking, healthy living, and reevaluation of relationships are necessary factors for medicine to work its magic. Some people see the desired results immediately, while others begin to recognize significant results only after reflecting on several months of microdosing.
The higher your expectations, the more likely you are to be disappointed with the results of microdosing. Medicine simply reflects your relationship with the world. If you expect something outside of yourself to bring you instant or eternal happiness, you will be disappointed. This disappointment is part of the spiritual path. Sometimes one must repeatedly learn that all phenomena are temporary, no matter how pleasant or unpleasant. Clinging to ideas, philosophies, or desires that do not align with the truth only prolongs the endless search for something better, more pleasurable, and less painful. When you let go of expectations, the world opens up and becomes more wonderful.
11. How can I myself accompany my process with microdoses?
Observing and accompanying your emotions without resisting them... remember the following: When you repress the emotion or sensation in the body (symptom), you are also affecting the immune system and the nervous system, therefore it is repression (which is a survival mechanism learned in childhood) then becomes a source of psychological illness that affects the body. To repress is to resist the present, and there is a universal law as real as the law of gravity that can be summarized as follows: WHAT YOU RESIST PERSISTS.
It is also very important to take into account our needs since behind every behavior or attitude there is a feeling, and behind every feeling there is a need, the idea is to listen and attend to that need, instead of focusing on the behavior as the modern medicine or psychology we must focus on our needs, only then are we beginning to deal with the root or cause, not focus on the SYMPTOM, which is a simple side effect of our unmet needs, symptoms are simple messengers.
According to what I have learned, true healing occurs when we allow ourselves to be present with ALL our emotions or physical sensations (symptoms), in this way we can progressively learn to navigate our complex humanity without resistance and finally be able to be truly free and authentic beings, without masks, to achieve this the path is the INTEGRATION of all our aspects, all our parts or personalities, including those who are in the so-called “shadow”, those that we do not want to show to protect ourselves from feeling difficult emotions or due to some very understandable fear. and valid, that by learning with curiosity to understand and validate these hidden parts of ourselves we will soon accept them and integrate them into our being.
12. Apart from taking microdoses, what else can I do to accompany the treatment?
Currently the therapies that are really helping to overcome our issues are those that involve the integration of all our parts or aspects or personalities, among them are Gestalt, IFS (Internal Family Systems), Shadow Work, Jungian Therapy, and any type of therapy that includes the inner child. Watching Gabor Mate's talks on YouTube makes it very clear where our difficulties in life come from.
For this process ☝️ the accompaniment of these wonderful mushrooms makes it a much more fluid process, since they give us great wisdom and capacity for observation when fears, judgments and resistance appear, this is the reason why this beautiful medicine It is so effective and appreciated. As an anecdote I can tell you that on my path towards “healing” which I now call the path towards integration, I did many of the therapies that I mentioned above and there was a noticeable great advance in deepening when I started going to my sessions with a higher dose of microdosing.
It helps a lot in this process of self-knowledge to have a daily practice of self-love, such as meditating, keeping a journal, healthy eating, yoga, pranayama, learning to breathe well can drastically change your life, mineral supplements such as Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Iodine , Selenium and more are of vital importance for a good physical, mental and emotional state, Magnesium being the most important, what we need most are minerals.
13. What happens if I have a bad experience with microdosing?
There are no bad experiences with microdosing, only opportunities to learn and grow. If emotions that are difficult to process appear, do not resist or judge them, instead ask yourself important questions with intentions of CURIOSITY: where does this emotion come from? You want me to say? What activated it? What memory is related to this emotion? etc... For more information on how to integrate your experience download this integration workbook for free here <--- Highly recommended.
14. Will microdosing help me?
Microdoses of mushrooms or master plants are not a magic pill that will solve your problems, they are an invaluable and excellent tool for self-observation, for self-knowledge, they will connect you directly with your subconscious, with your intuition, they will make you start to Become aware of your internal dialogue, how you treat yourself, self-deceptions (if there are any), and see clearly the changes you need to make in your life, what you do with that new information will make a difference... or not. Up to you.
15. Is psilocybin microdosing safe?
Very rarely do people report having negative or adverse effects from microdosing mushrooms. Most find a renewed sense of life and mental clarity that they have not experienced in a long time. However, sometimes people experience some hallucinogenic effects if they take too high a dose.
Fatigue may be the result of increased neural activity and more life or physical activity. As mentioned, a tolerance can develop after prolonged use. Taking intermittent breaks and restart weeks helps combat this.
Some people have reported mild nausea after ingesting their microdose. In some cases, drinking ginger tea will improve this. Your body temperature may fluctuate more than normal. If you have a heart or respiratory condition, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or have experienced psychosis, consult your doctor before using any psychedelic drugs.
For some, the lack of adequate integrative support can cause internal resistance as they try to process and navigate these new perceptions, levels of consciousness, and ideas related to their internal and external worlds.
Psychedelics are not addictive. Although anything can be habit-forming, if guided by intentionality, intuition, and the right support, microdosing psilocybin mushrooms can be one of the best natural healing practices.
16. Can I take antidepressants and microdoses simultaneously?
Some people find that microdosing helps them stop taking antidepressants and/or stop taking them. Some report that antidepressant medications blunt or even nullify the effects of microdosing. If you decide to microdose while taking these medications, you will most likely need a higher dose to feel the desired effects.
Many find microdosed psilocybin to be a healthier, more natural alternative to taking various pharmaceutical agents. It may be worth trying microdosing before committing to a pharmaceutical regimen.
Please note that microdosing does not guarantee happiness. Some people find it extremely difficult not to take certain pharmaceutical medications. Those who have relied on these medications for years may find many painful or difficult repressed emotions coming to the surface, and may feel the need to return to the anesthetic or numbing effects of the medications. The process of stopping these medications, if that's what you want to do, can be an uncomfortable ordeal that could last a few months if you have been taking drugs for a long time.
As research on psychedelics begins to flourish, a stream of recently published scientific studies explore the combined effects of antidepressants and psilocybin. For example, a study from the University of Basel in Switzerland found that escitalopram, commonly known as Lexapro, had no negative effects in participants treated with these antidepressants and psilocybin.
To stay safe, consult your doctor before starting any microdosing regimen, especially if you have a history of mental illness or medication use.
17. How do I reduce antidepressants before using psilocybin?
Deciding to want to replace antidepressants with microdoses involves taking increasingly lower doses of antidepressants over a set period of time, which can vary between two weeks and several months.
There are many factors involved in determining the length of the tapering process. These factors include how long you have been taking antidepressants, the specific antidepressant and dosage you are taking, as well as overall health and lifestyle.
Certain antidepressants, such as Effexor or Venlafaxine, are known to be especially difficult to taper off. In some cases, the tapering process can take months and can cause severe withdrawal symptoms if not done slowly enough.
The main reason for caution is related to minimizing and managing the "withdrawal syndrome" when withdrawing pharmaceutical medications, which can include fatigue, constipation, insomnia, dizziness, irritability and gastrointestinal problems.
When reducing antidepressants and experimenting with psychedelics, it is important to do your own research and consider consulting not only your doctor or medical professional, but also an experienced psychedelic facilitator or integration specialist, you can consult us for contacts.
👉 We are happy to share with you an excellent guide that provides an overview of the interaction of psychedelics with various medications and how to gradually wean them off for replacement by psychedelics.
18. What is the difference between antidepressants and psilocybin microdoses?
Unlike the conventional approach to antidepressants, which seeks to “correct” so-called “mental illnesses” by covering up or numbing painful emotions, mushrooms can empower you to reconnect and express your feelings as a basis for treating the root causes of the Depression. This is an important distinction. Although psilocybin is gaining a reputation in the Western world for exhibiting powerful antidepressant effects, the benefits of the mushroom are much more than the elimination of a "mental disorder."
Psilocybin offers an invitation, a simple but revolutionary opening into the intelligence, love and compassion of the natural order of the Universe. From a neuroscience perspective, this openness is reflected in how psilocybin affects the default neural network, or RND, or DMN (Default Mode Network). The RND is a neural network responsible for filtering the countless pieces of information that your brain processes each moment as necessary for survival.The RND creates our ego, or constant sense of self.
A strong ego is an excellent tool for understanding threats to your survival. However, when the RND is overactive, this sense of self can become rigid and resistant to change. The hypercritical and negative beliefs that torment many people are difficult to overcome, because on a neurological level the brain considers them essential components of oneself and, by extension, survival.
With psilocybin, the mind enters a “fundamental state of mind,” a dynamic and flexible or plastic mode of psychological functioning. In this sensitive state, in which thought processes, perception, and behavioral styles are less rigid, the floodgates of information open, generating more processing power than normal. Being in this state allows for changes in core belief systems, habits, and perspectives of the self. Indeed, mushrooms can give you the opportunity to remember and trust your conscience and intuition. You are presented with an opening to get to know yourself again.
19. Can Cannabis be consumed at the same time as Psilocybin microdoses?
The medicinal qualities of cannabis are abundant and well documented. With respect to mental health specifically, cannabis has been proven to be an effective treatment for anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia, and ADHD with some variables.
While research on psilocybin microdosing is limited, there is extensive empirical evidence suggesting that psilocybin microdosing is effective for the treatment of depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, and chronic pain, for example. name a few. Most of the research on psilocybin has focused on the treatment of depression with truly remarkable results.
While cannabis and psilocybin can work together to support optimal outcomes for ADHD and anxiety disorders, the combination may not be ideal for those experiencing major depressive disorders.
If the primary goal of microdosing practice is to relieve symptoms of depression, the evidence supports the conservative approach of limiting and/or avoiding regular cannabis use during microdosing. In fact, a significant majority of my clients who microdose for depression experience more profound benefits with psilocybin alone or in combination with CBD.
20. Can I microdose if I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Although there is no clinical evidence of the medicinal effect of psychedelics, several experts say that microdosing can actually be beneficial for people with ADHD or ADD.
First, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is not a disorder, but rather a difference in your cognition or a lack of understanding about your mental speed. Microdoses of psilocybin improve your concentration, creativity, and mood. If you consider these benefits in the equation with problems with concentration and procrastination, you could say that microdosing is a great and efficient solution to being productive throughout the day. For this reason, there are even examples where these psychedelics are a suitable replacement for ADHD medications and other pharmaceutical cognitive enhancers, such as Ritalin, Adderall, and methylphenidate.
In addition, regular medications do not always have the desired effect. Additionally, the number of doctors swearing allegiance to microdosing psychedelics is increasing.
However, due to the lack of comprehensive research, we are unable to provide medical advice based on clinical evidence. Therefore, you must always take responsibility for microdosing if you are diagnosed with ADHD/ADD. Whether making your own decisions based on a consultation with your doctor or conducting your own experiment.
21. When should you stop microdosing?
While microdosing can act as a catalyst to make you more self-aware, more creative, and more productive, its use also has its limits. As with any mind-enhancing substance, it should be used consciously and responsibly, in moderation.
The expert recommendation is to have 6-month cycles of continuous microdosing using a protocol and leave 2 months of rest before restarting another cycle.
22. Is microdosing addictive?
Although microdosing psilocybin has been clinically shown not to cause psychological addiction, you should remain alert to your own relationship with psilocybin. The boost in self-confidence and flow can be very appealing, due to the positive effects of microdosing.
Whether microdosing is addictive depends entirely on your own mental health and your intention to microdose psilocybin. Microdosing is not addictive for a healthy, conscious and thinking person.
23. Can you take microdoses and drive a car?
Driving while microdosing is possible. However, in terms of usage, the responsibility for making such a decision rests entirely with you. If you take the correct dosage, you will improve your focus and visual acuity, which in turn can improve your ability to drive.
So the first experiment for you is to test what is too much or too little. As soon as microdosing becomes too overwhelming, you have taken too much and should definitely not engage in trafficking.
24. Can you microdose and drink alcohol?
It is possible to microdose and drink alcohol, although we do not recommend it because alcohol diminishes the beneficial effects of microdosing. Therefore, we recommend that you take your microdosing in a sober state so that you can benefit the most from it in your daily life.
25. Can you microdose and exercise?
Microdosing can be a great attribute for your training as it provides a boost to your cognitive functions, resulting in better athletic performance. For example, you become more aware of your own body and can therefore find a better rhythm in your exercise routine.
With the correct doses, elite sports athletes experience an improvement in both their endurance and sporting ability. Talking about concentration, coordination, balance and reflexes. There is even a word mentioned about the well-known state of flow, a state in which time seems to slow down and everything seems to go by itself.
Even the after effect can be quite sensational because microdosing can provide a clear and relaxed feeling after a workout.
26. What about legality?
The legal status of psilocybin remains a challenge for many. In most countries (with exceptions in the Netherlands, Jamaica, Brazil, and some other places), the possession, cultivation, and processing of psilocybin (as well as other psychedelics) are criminalized. In Peru there is no clear legislation in this regard, there is a "legal vacuum."
However, movements calling for the decriminalization of psilocybin and other substances are gaining a lot of momentum. In the US, Denver has decriminalized psilocybin, while in Colorado, Oakland and Santa Cruz have decriminalized all entheogens. The state of Oregon and Washington DC have psychedelic initiatives appearing on the November 2023 ballot. Canada's government has tolerated the sale of psilocybin mushrooms over the internet and in-person dispensaries, and there are widespread calls across the country to decriminalize the simple possession of controlled substances.
With the growing number of positive testimonials about microdosing, many are taking matters into their own hands and finding ways to access the medication.
27. What is Niacin and its "Blushing" effect?
Niacin is vitamin B3, which alone has surprising antidepressant effects.
In the case of the Paul Stamets Stack version (M03 listed) keep in mind that niacin can cause redness (heat, itching, tingling sensation under the skin). These effects last between 10 to 15 minutes and will be less intense as you continue taking the capsules, this reaction is normal and beneficial, it helps improve blood flow, as the blood vessels open more, this would allow the active components of The fungi penetrate deeply into all parts of the body, especially the brain.
28. How to place an order?
The deposit must be made to our personal bank accounts (request them), including the shipping cost which is S/.20, and if it is to the province the cost is S/. 30.
THERE IS NO PICKUP OPTION, we only sell via delivery.
Unfortunately there is no cash on delivery, the service we contract for deliveries (Jota Courier) does not provide collection service, since the vast majority of deliveries are left at reception or porter.
29. How long does it take to ship my order?
If the order is for within Metropolitan Lima, it will always be one or two days after placing the order. The contracted delivery service normally takes one day to deliver the order, but sometimes it can take two days depending on your workload. Deliveries are made during the day, it is difficult to know the exact time the delivery service will deliver.
If the order is for the province, it may take longer (between 4 to 6 days), because we do not go to the agency to leave the orders every day. We use Olva Courier, Shalom or Marvisur, the first option provides the service of delivering the package to your home.