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Shroomcybin M04: Pure - Essential

Shroomcybin M04: Pure - Essential

Regular price S/. 230.00 PEN
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M04 version: Pure - Dual power

Contains: 50 capsules

In each capsule:

  • 200mg. sacred mushroom 🍄

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Psilocybin, in carefully controlled doses, can be an incredibly effective tool for self-knowledge, to reconnect with yourself, to understand yourself, to manage situations or emotions that are difficult to process, to work on anxiety, stress and depression. It allows you to explore and reconfigure your internal perspectives, allowing for the resolution of conflicts and the removal of blocks that may be limiting your potential.

Additionally, Psilocybin microdoses can be a significant boost to creativity. Many users report an increase in divergent thinking and problem solving, allowing for greater productivity and innovation in creative and everyday tasks.

One of the most notable benefits of microdose Psilocybin is its ability to improve concentration. It can increase your focus and attention, helping you stay on task and work more effectively and efficiently.

Psilocybin is also known for its potential to improve emotional health. It can help improve empathy and social connection, allowing you to relate more deeply to others and yourself.

The best thing about microdosing Psilocybin is that you can get all of these benefits without the psychedelic effects associated with higher doses. Instead, you will experience a subtle but noticeable improvement in your overall well-being and mental performance, allowing you to face the day with greater calm and focus.

By incorporating Psilocybin microdoses into your daily routine, you can expect improved creativity, greater concentration, an increase in emotional well-being, and a greater sense of calm and tranquility. With our Psilocybin, you are invited to explore the reaches of your consciousness and unlock your full human potential.

The Benefits of Microdosing Psilocybin Mushrooms

A psilocybin microdosing protocol not only helps people address and treat mental health issues, but it can also be beneficial for anyone looking to integrate a higher level of consciousness into their lives. It allows users to view the world from a more empathetic perspective and aids in our personal healing journeys by reframing our conditioned states of existence.

We should keep in mind that because psychedelics are known as “non-specific amplifiers,” the benefits you experience depend largely on your individual physiology. Which means that what is revealed throughout your microdosing journey will be specific to your brain chemistry and your personal life circumstances.

Greater capacity for focus, concentration and creativity

Microdosing has been reported to improve focus and concentration, indicating potential efficacy in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It has also been attributed to improving creativity, critical thinking skills, motivation, and mental resilience under typically stressful conditions.

Reduction of anxiety and depression

Anecdotal evidence supporting the practice of microdosing mushrooms to improve mental health has shown reduced levels of anxiety and very positive effects in people struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder, treatment-resistant depression, or any major depressive disorder.

In a 2019 study by Vince Polito and Richard J. Stevenson, researchers collected baseline measurements from 93 participants. Participants were instructed to follow Fadiman's protocol and submit daily reports. 47.1% of daily reports were made by participants microdosing psilocybin.

The study found a clinically significant increase in measures of connection, contemplation, creativity, focus, happiness, productivity and well-being. Long-term measurements were taken after 6 weeks of microdosing. Clinically significant reductions in depression, stress, and mind wandering were maintained.

Absorption measures also experienced a clinically significant increase from baseline. Absorption is considered a form of focused attention that constitutes a deep engagement with certain parts of an individual's subjective experience. Therefore, increased levels of absorption correlate with deeper engagements with the natural world and philosophical and contemplative engagements with art.


As many studies have shown, namely a 2018 study led by Calvin Ly and colleagues, serotonergic psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms produce potent increases in neurogenesis and spinogenesis. Neurogenesis and spinogenesis describe the process by which neurons sprout and develop dendritic spines and axon terminals.

Think of these neurites as the tips of our brain cells. In many people suffering from chronic stress, psychological or neurodegenerative disorders, significant brain atrophy is observed. Atrophy is the loss of neurons and their interconnections that often leads to a decrease in brain mass, resulting in reductions in cognitive function and general emotional dysregulation.

Therefore, psychedelic mushrooms stimulate signaling pathways by creating new neurons that increase the points of contact between them, replacing dead or damaged brain cells and strengthening overall neuronal connectivity.

Reduces activity of our Neural Network by Default

Serotonergic psychedelics have also been shown to reduce activity in the Default Mode Network (DMN).

The default neural network plays a key role in rumination (repetitive negative thoughts) and wandering and is activated especially when we are “inactive.” When this happens, our mind begins to wander from one topic to another, jumping from one thought to the next, from one worry to the next.

Wandering can act as a way to unload the thoughts that our mind produces, but when these thoughts are very negative and we get stuck in them, we begin to “ruminate”, endlessly reviewing those thoughts that make us feel bad and creating in the middle. -long term, depressive moods and anxiety.

The default neural network plays a key role in our mental and emotional health. It is responsible for reflecting on our emotional states regarding ourselves and others. In the case of rumination, thoughts revolve around a negative view of oneself and the future, which affects self-esteem.

The DMN maintains the internal narratives that our self-conceptualizations accumulate. In people with psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, OCD, and ADHD, the DMN has been shown to experience significant hyperactivity.

Clinical trials suggest that by reducing activity in the DMN, serotonergic psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin also reduce hyperrumia. In people with anxiety, this rumination is often associated with thought patterns of stress, panic, or worry. People with depression often ruminate on negative perceptions of themselves.

People with OCD may experience increased DMN activity due to habitual fixations. While someone with ADHD experiences DMN hyperactivity in correlation with the inability to focus on goal-oriented tasks. In people suffering from addiction, reduced DMN activity can be attributed to a reduction in compulsive drug-seeking behaviors.

Greater personal and spiritual connection

In a 2008 study led by Roland R. Griffiths et al, 36 participants from a previous double-blind study were contacted for a 14-month follow-up. In the initial study, participants were given a microdose of psilocybin and their responses about the personal and spiritual meaning of the experience were recorded.

This follow-up study assessed the sustainability of the initial study results. For reference, immediately after the session screenings, 22 of the participants were found to have a complete mystical experience, and 14 months later, 21 of the 22 volunteers still met the criteria.

The Mystical Experience Questionnaire accounts for measures of internal and external unity, sacredness, intuitive knowing, and deeply felt positive mood. At the 14-month follow-up, 58% of participants rated the psilocybin experience as one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives and 67% rated it as one of the five most spiritually impactful.

64% of participants indicated that the experience increased their well-being and overall life satisfaction, and 61% reported moderate to extreme positive behavior change. The study's findings are consistent with the large number of anecdotal reports attributing similar benefits to microdosing psilocybin.

These benefits include greater psychological openness, emotional connection with others, greater gratitude, and the ability to live more present. A deeper connection to nature and greater aesthetic engagement with art serve as clinical evidence for the enhanced sensory perceptions that many report upon microdosing.

Other benefits of microdosing are:

  • More energy
  • Greatly improves ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Deeper, healthier sleep
  • A better and more stable state of mind
  • Feel more connected to family, friends or colleagues
  • You connect with fluidity or flow state more easily
  • More productive at work and study
  • You decide more easily
  • Less menstrual discomfort
  • Feel better in your own skin
  • A more positive view of life
  • Greater states of gratitude and appreciation
  • Be able to quit addictions (tobacco, sugar)
  • Less procrastination
  • Reduction of depressive feelings
  • More emotional openness and relationships
  • Greater openness to face new or difficult experiences or situations.
  • Get a better sense of your mission in life
  • Connection with the universe/life

Microdosing is not always a way to cause massive changes like macrodosing could. The effects are more subtle, but definitely noticeable. You may find that you handle stress more easily, that you have more energy for fun things at the end of the day, or that you can concentrate better despite the noise around you. People report that microdosing makes them feel and perform better emotionally.

Suggested way of use: Take the dose in the morning on an empty stomach, start the treatment with one capsule to measure its sensitivity, then you can increase to 2 or 3 capsules per dose, it is important to follow a protocol so that the body does not create tolerance to psilocybin, there are 2:
Stamets: Take doses for 4 or 5 days in a row then leave 2 or 3 days without taking doses.
Fadiman: Day 1: Take dose – Day 2 and 3 do not take dose – Day 4: repeat, that is, take every 3 days.

Have patience and perseverance with this treatment, the changes in ways of thinking and perceiving life will be seen after approximately 2 months. Keep in mind that not every day you take the dose will be the same, the results of the experience can be very different each time, since you are different every day, the most important factor will be the INTENTION that you dedicate to it that day, just as you would in a ceremony with master plants. Contact us for more information.

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Please note that before beginning any new supplement regimen, particularly those involving psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, it is essential that you consult a health professional. Psilocybin can interact with other medications and is not suitable for everyone. This product is not a medication and is the responsibility of the user.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Shaadi Adibsamii
Thank you!!!

Hola! Thank you so much for making this medicine. I have struggled with very deep depression my whole life. This medicine has profoundly helped me with moving towards a lighter place. If I take the pills in the morning, I can have a nice day but in the evening I somehow have energy to play with my daughter, to talk with my husband, and do some kind of art with my hands. It’s a very special experience for me.

Graciela Ordoñez
Adoro esta medicina!!!

Gracias por crear esto, me esta ayudando mucho, estoy notando los cambios en el 1er mes, infinitas gracias